Friday, February 09, 2007


Those 4 letters used to be what I looked forward the most during the week. Boy how times have changed. I'm lucky to know what time of day it is, not to mention what day of the week!! I used to never rely on a calendar, I could pretty much remember everything that I had to do without writing it down, and now??? I might as well right down scheduled times to go to the bathroom!! Why is it now that I'm home, everything in the house seems to fall apart?? Sure...I'm taking care of a baby all day long, but Ava's so good at entertaining herself that I should have plenty of time to catch up on laundry, change out the dishes in the dishwasher, clean a room or two here and there. I used to be a freak about keeping my house cleaned, and now it seems that the only thing I do seem to be good at is vacuuming, but that's only because with two pets and my hair falling out at record speed I'm sick of picking hair off of Ava's clothes. I'm past the point of picking up toys everyday, I mean what's the point when all you do is turn right around and put them out again?? I've seriously contemplated seeing if hubby will let me hire a cleaning service to come in and clean once a month...but I already know what he will say. He doesn't always seem to understand how hard it is to be a stay at home mom. Do any of your husbands think that you sit around and do nothing all day?? Because apparently mine does....but then there will be a time on the weekend where he's left alone with the baby say for...maybe an hour and as soon as I walk back in...he complains that he needs a break!!! HA!! But I don't complain most of the time, because I know I'm lucky enough to have a husband that thinks we can afford for me to stay home (at least for right now).

So with my ramble over...and getting back to the original reason I wrote this is Friday and I've got a fun weekend planned! I'm not going to tell you what I'm doing tonight, mainly because I'm too embarrassed to talk about it. If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask :-) Tomorrow we're taking Harley (the dog) to the kennel so he can play with some of his buddies, and then I'm taking my best friend to the basketball game. Basketball is HUGE here and we are playing one of our big rivals...who happens to be ranked #1 so you can figure it out. She has 3 kids so this is our night out. Hubby is even paying for us to stay in a hotel room Saturday night...but don't let that fool ya, the game will be more than enough excitement and we will probably crash about 12:00!! She's a SAHM mom to 3 and doesn't get to spend many nights away, so I think she might be looking forward to it more than me. Sunday is one of our nephews 9th birthday so we are going to a party for him, and that will be the first time that I get to see my new nephew who will be 2 weeks old, so me and Ava are both anxious for that!!

Ava's gearing up for a fun night at "camp" aka Grandma and Grandma's house

I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!!

1 comment:

Ute said...

I still can remember the time, when the girls were just 10 month old. No chance to get anything done, for me it was even not possible going shopping for groceries...Ralph has to take the girls very often, because of me working again after a year, so he stopped thinking I just had a wonderful day doing nothing all the time very soon.
To be honest, I admire the the mums who stay at home all day with their little ones, sometimes I'm glad to escape and I don't have to argue, to entertain, to teach, to check out...
So I think you do a great job!