Thursday, November 08, 2007

What a week...Part 1

First of all, again thanks to everyone who said an extra little prayer for us. I never imagined I could possibly be hit with so much at once.

I am beyond exhausted but I want to try to get all of this out and still make sense. It's probably going to be long and discombobulated so bear with me.

It looks like my dad is going to be okay. My dad's a former UK Bask.etball player, and subsequently one of the most stubborn, strongest, and hard headed people I know - it could be where I get mine from! He took a walk and came home and started washing the car and noticed that he had pain that started in his shoulder and radiated into his elbow. He didn't think much of it, went in took an ad.vil and went back to his business. Shortly thereafter he broke out into a really cold sweat, and it was at about this point that he realized something was wrong. At about the same time my mom called to tell him she was still out running errands, and he told her that something was wrong and she needed to get home. He didn't think that he needed to call 911, but my brother who was with my mom wasn't taking any chances and called. The ambulance was there in less than 5 minutes, all the while my dad decided that he would take a shower while he waited. Sometimes I think he's an idiot. He was not actively having a heart attack when the ambulance arrived, but shortly after they got him to the hospital he started to go downhill fast. At one point his heart went into V-F.ib and they needed to use the paddles to shock him. He also had a seizure during all this, but was awake the entire time. Within one hour of arriving they determined he had 90% blockage in 3 of his arteries, they placed a stint into the one with the most severe damage, and they put him in ICU. And my mom was there to witness every single minute of that. I cannot even imagine what she went through.

As soon as Ava woke up from her nap Matthew and I dropped her off at a friends and made it to the hospital. On my way into the ICU I ran into the PA of the doctor that was working on his case (ironically I went to high school with her so I felt very comfortable asking questions) and she made it very clear to us that if my mom and brother didn't call 911 when they did we might be looking at a different outcome. The fact that he was already at the hospital when the major problems happened more than likely saved his life. I can't even begin to tell you the thoughts that have been going through my head. My dad is the rock of my family. Alot of you have commented on how strong I have been through this pregnancy, and I sincerely think I get alot of my strength from my dad. To think of life without him is unimaginable. My first thought when all of this happened was Ava. She is his princess, a shining light in his life. I honestly sometimes think that she would rather spend time with her "Pa Pa" than me. And that melts my heart. Most of you probably don't know that I'm adopted, and I honestly could NOT have been adopted by two better people. I even think Matthew got more upset about this than I did, to me that tells me alot.

He was moved to a normal room today and will probably be in the hospital until Saturday or so. He's still not out of the woods because they need to decide how they want to approach the other two blockages, but he's being treated, and that's good enough for me. Something that really made me think about was the fact that they were supposed to leave for Florida on Tuesday. However with everything that's gone on with me they decided not to go. It sickens me to think about where they would have been if this had happened while they were gone. I'm not saying that it would have happened, but maybe all the stuff going on with me is happening for a reason after all. It did keep them here and they are able to be close to family.

I'll post again tomorrow about this weeks U/S and Dr. appt. I'm so tired and tomorrow is going to be a LONG day. I need to get up and go see dad in the morning, and then it's a frantic rush to get things together for my brother in law's wedding on Saturday. I can tell you this, Ava is going to be the most beautiful flower girl ever...that is if she decides she wants to walk down the aisle.


Sara said...

*HUGS* I'm glad your dad is okay. Your family is still in my prayers and thoughts.

Wendy said...

I am so glad that your Dad is doing better. I hope he continues on his path of healing! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

wow, good god becca you were right, when it rains it pours. i am glad that your dad is being taken care of and thank goodness they werent on vacation when this all happened. you need a nap girl, seriously. hope you find some time to relax @ the wedding and take lots of pics of the beautiful flower girl!!!

Anonymous said...

What a roller coaster ride you've been on! I'm glad your dad is ok & that he's being treated. I will continue to keep you all in my daily prayers. Can't wait to see pics of your little flower girl!

Deanna said...

This is when I truly believe there is a higher power working around us. Happy flowergirling!! (My little Pipster was once a flower girl....)

Anonymous said...

I am *so* glad that your dad's going to be OK. What a scary thing to go through. Thank goodness your brother called 911 when he did! I'm totally scared of having a heart attack ~ I know that it's silly, but that's another phobia for me. :( You and your family have been hit with *so* much ~ why? I just don't understand it. But you're right ~ a higher power is at work here (so glad your parents didn't end up going to Florida). What a crazy time for a wedding, but I hope that it'll be a joyous occasion ~ and I know that Ava will be gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I am so relieved to hear that your Dad will be ok!!

Kirsten said...

I'm so glad that he is doing better...hopefully this is a start of things going in a better direction for you guys.
Can't wait to see pictures of the pretty little flower girl!!

foodiechickie said...

Very happy to read your father is alright. You're all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear your dad is on the mend. I can't even imagine how terrifying it must have been for all of you.

Sending you good thoughts and prayers...

Rick said...

You are very fortunate. We came close with my Dad this time last year too. My sister had to do CPR on him for 10 min.s before the ambulance got there. But he's doing great right now.


Anonymous said...

That is scary!!! Glad your dad is doing better!!