Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's in the numbers

3 - Number of times toddler has shit her pants today.

3 - Number of times the same toddler has deemed her shit pretty enough to not only draw on herself, but draw on my glass doors, floor, furniture and even throw a little in the shag carpet for good measure.

4 - Numbers of baths taken today (only 1 by me)

1 - Times the dog thought that poop would make a good afternoon snack only to throw it right back up on previously mentioned shag carpet.

2 - Number of loads of poopy laundry. And the fact that I already had a good 8 loads that also needed to be done, I am now way behind.

3 - Number of times Time Out has been used

0 - Number of times Time Out has been successful

25 - Number of times I've washed my hands

9,554 - Number of times I've walked to the refrigerator for a glass of wine only to realize that it's off limits for THE NEXT 9 MONTHS!

I'm seriously contemplating the duck tape to the diaper idea.


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart! Just keep in the forefront of your mind that she's your daughter & how much you love her, lol! I know, I know~some days are better than others ;) Get as much rest as you can~being pregnant when you have another child makes for a LONG 9 months~but also a HAPPY 9 months :)

Chastity said...

We've got you beat...Lila had 4 poops today...gross.

Jesser said...

LOL. Only wine??? What about Vodka? Tequila? Everclear?

Christy said...

You poor woman. That is entirely too much poop in one day.

Anth said...

Ehhhh... *Anth shudders at thought of so much poo* have my deepest sympathies!