So I know I mentioned back a bit ago about the leaky roof?? (don't know how to link back to that post so if you missed it, you may want to go back a few entries). Well see my husband was supposed to call someone to come out and look at it, BUT he decided that he wanted to wait until it rained again to see if he could see where the leak was coming from. I was under the impression that was THEIR job, not his, but since he makes the mortgage payments I went with it.
Fast forward to 6:15 this morning. I don't get up that early. I'm lucky to be out of bed by 8 (and please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me, I have a child that LOVES to sleep.) So I hear what appears to be drip, drip, drip and naturally I'm thinking, oh shit the roof. I summon husband from the basement couch, (he's been banned to sleeping down there until he gets over his nasty, crummy coughing crud, I've already had it and I don't want it again) and we realize that all the rain we've had overnight has caused the leak to increase, and is now all the way down part of the ceiling and dripping onto some furniture and the carpet. GREAT. Thankfully my father in law owns a construction company and didn't mind the 6:30 wake up call. He has someone coming to fix it tomorrow, but that doesn't solve our problem today. So Matthew decides he's still to sick to go to work so at the advice of his father in law, he climbs up in the attic and places a huge pan under the leak, hopefully avoiding any further damage. Here's where it gets interesting. All was good until after lunch, when I was getting ready to lay in bed and catch up with my second best friend, otherwise known as the DVR, when I heard that dripping sound again. Oh shit again was running through my head. This time it was leaking in a different place, around one of the lights. SO, Matthew decides that he probably needs to get another dripping pan and check the leak again. I'm in the kitchen when all of a sudden I hear a loud crash and him screaming out in pain. Initially my thought was how in the hell are the paramedics going to get him down from there. I hear him yelling for me to go to the bedroom, and to my horror this is what I saw.
Which was a result of this...
You guessed it, my handyman husband FELL through the ceiling in true Clark Griswold fashion. And what did I do?? Laugh hystericall of course. But after I made sure he was okay. He banged up his knee pretty bad and came pretty close to putting a smashing to his manly parts (thank you honey for not hurting those) but I just couldn't stop laughing. I mean what can you do. We are probably going to have to replace most of the ceiling in there already, so I mean what's another hole?? And the good thing about this is that we have MORE heavy rain and thunderstorms expected to move through. Hopefully my wake up call in the morning won't be rain or snow on my forehead.