Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sweet Relief

Today has been a really good day. Not only have I NOT felt like I was going to throw up, but all of my fears were quickly calmed after a good visit at the doctor. You gotta love my doctor. As soon as he opens the door and sees Matthew and I sitting there, he just starts giggling. It's as if he knows exactly how to break the ice.

I was fully expecting the Doppler today to hear the heartbeats, but we got to do better than that. He decided that since Matthew was with me today, he wanted to take a "peak" inside and check. This delighted me, and also scared the living shit out of me. Any of you that have children can probably relate that until you hear that heartbeat for the very first time, there is a small part of you that thinks that something could be wrong. And with me carrying twins, the chances automatically go up. And it probably doesn't help that I've spent countless hours on Dr. Google this week making me think things could be really bad. But to our delight, these babies decided that this afternoon was a great time to put on a show. They were not only moving, they were bouncing all over the place. It's as if they were using my uterus as their own personal trampoline. Both of them, moving, heartbeats going strong. I've never been so happy and relieved. It's just so bizarre to look and see what's going on INSIDE of you, especially since they are still so small but so active, yet you can't feel a thing. Matthew was beside himself. We saw faces, legs, arms flailing, really just a beautiful site. So right now all is good. We go back in 4 weeks but we probably will NOT find out the sex until 20 weeks. Totally bummed, but I'll survive.

On a totally unrelated note, Ava got a baby doll many many months ago, and until today has not so much as peeked in it's direction. Today on the other hand, has been carrying that thing all over, saying baby, baby, baby, giving me the baby and them crawling up on my lap. I just wonder if she suspects something is up?????


Anonymous said...

That's great that your doctor let you have another glimpse. I'm happy to hear you are losing the need to lose your lunch! Oh, and stop reading the bad stories. Think positive. My dad & my uncle were full term 9 & 9.5 pound twins. Think that way.

Ava is gearing up to be a big sister! How darling! You need to teach her how to take care of the baby doll.

Jesser said...

Oh that is so awesome! Congrats. It is such a relieve EVERY time to hear that heartbeat.

Laura McIntyre said...

Thats wonderful , any time getting to see your little ones is great,

betsy said...

what an awesome surprise to see the babies @ the docs office! and im sure a relief as well!

so cute that Ava is carrying around her baby doll now...maybe she is suspecting!

Anonymous said...

That's great that you & MAtthew got to see your babies!! I can't wait for you to find out the sexes of the babies ;) That's cute about Ava w/the doll :) That'll be good practice for her for when the babies arrive :) Take care :)

Wendy said...

I love that Ava is getting ready to be a big sister:) I am sure she will be a HUGE help!

I am so happy that you were able to peek at the babies and that you are feeling better! So many blessings in one day:)


ROCK ON!!!! How cool is technology today...although I am staying off the net...I tend to diagnosis myself with all sorts of random illnesses!!!! Did you get a pic?

Anonymous said...

How awesome that you got to see them!! And I am so glad that you are feeling better!!

Texasholly said...

How exciting that you actually got to see them! That is way better than just hearing a heartbeat.
Also, so neat that Ava is taking interest in her "baby." Definitely a sign :)