Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Quick Prayer Request

The father of one of my very best and oldest friends collapsed last night and is currently on a respirator. He is having continual seizures and is not expected to make it through the next 24 hours. If you could say a quick prayer for my friend and her family. She will not get a chance to say an official goodbye and is undoubtedly having a hard time dealing. Most of you probably remember how we almost lost my dad last year, so I am only trying to imagine what she is going through.



Chastity said...

Oh I'm so very sorry for her! Prayers coming their way!

Anonymous said...

That's so sad to hear. I'll definitely say prayers for the family.

Wendy said...

Definitely praying for your friend and her family.

Texasholly said...

Oh my gosh, my best friend's dad was killed in a motorcycle accident yesterday. It's so awful to think that you can lose a loved one in a blink of an eye. I will be praying for both our friends...

Lisanne said...

Prayers just said. I am so, SO very sorry. :(

Jesser said...

Oh that is just heartbreaking. I am so sorry. Good thoughts/prayers for her.


Blessings to your friend...

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your friend. I can't imagine how devastating it must be to lose someone that close to you so quickly.